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Tuesday 30 December 2014

After Workout

It’s well established that ingestion of whey protein or essential amino acids before and after exercise increases muscle protein synthesis. A number of studies have also shown this can translate into greater muscle mass gains over the longer term. As such, most conscientious strength and endurance athletes consume pre- and post-workout formulas containing protein or amino acids.

There’s no question that protein is a much-needed nutrient in terms of building muscle and improving your numbers in the gym. Proteins are made of amino acids, small building blocks necessary for synthesizing muscle. Although consuming protein after a hard lifting session may amplify your results and increase recovery, it certainly doesn’t make or break your success. Focus on your entire nutrition and training approach including consuming enough calories and protein during the entire day.

To make the most of your training, consume a meal, either whole-food or liquid form, within an hour after your workout containing both fast-digesting carbs and protein. This will prevent your body from using its own muscle tissue for energy and help encourage muscle synthesis.

Every guy in the gym knows he should consume some protein after a workout. But how much, and when? "When you work out, your muscles are primed to respond to protein," Volek says, "and you have a window of opportunity to promote muscle growth." Volek recommends splitting your dose of protein, eating half 30 minutes before the workout and the other half 30 minutes after. A total of 10 to 20 grams of protein is ideal, he says. And wrap a piece of bread around that turkey, because carbs can raise insulin; this slows protein breakdown, which speeds muscle growth after your workout. Moreover, you won't use your stored protein for energy; you'll rely instead on the carbs to replenish you.

One study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, pinpointed 20 grams as the best amount of post workout protein to maximize muscle growth. You're doing this because resistance exercise breaks down muscle. This requires a fresh infusion of amino acids to repair and build it. "If you're lifting weights and you don't consume protein, it's almost counterproductive," says Volek. Protein also helps build enzymes that allow your body to adapt to endurance sports like running and biking.

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