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Friday 23 January 2015

Difference Between a fake and Genuine whey protein supplements

We all purchase Protein Supplements, and most of us purchase them from a Reputed Website or a Famous Local Dealer, But we all have several questions in our mind about that Nutritional Supplement like how to know if the Protein Supplement is genuine?

Look we can make better decisions, when we have better knowledge about it, here are some points to be considered while making a purchase from any seller(Online or Offline).


1). Does that seller Provide you Proper bill to your purchase.
2). Does that Bill has VAT/TIN Number.
3). Always look for the  Nutritional Information tab on the product(on the packet) if it's not given that means it has a great chance of being steroidal.
4). If your Product's Brand does not belong to your country it means that someone has to be Import it in order to sell it and must have an Importer seal, whoever has imported it ,but if no seal you better understand it.
5). Most advance level of Fake Product/seller is that when seller sold you supplement with a Fake VAT/TIN.(Which seems to be a genuine piece but actually it's not.)
     (how to check is that VAT/TIN fake*)
   * Go to the VAT department website, you can simply Google it according to your
STATE, COUNTRY. then check the details of your TIN/VAT number,So it's better to check it earlier to your purchase otherwise you can simply Bang that jar on his head.

Look these all things matter & suppose if you believe someone and takes(Purchases) protein from him, but it's not him who will consume it, it's you and your body.
Even nowadays some big Websites have seller based products and these websites have good reputation & they really want to satisfy their customers but some fake sellers use their brand-name and reputation to sell fake products and believe me many of them are selling their products without any problem or without providing proper bills to their customers, many times they don't deliver product with proper bill, and so there is a big chance that they are cheating with their Customers.

Disclaimer: All content on this Article is provided for information and education purposes only. Individuals wishing to make changes to their dietary, lifestyle, exercise or medication regimens should do so in conjunction with a competent, knowledgeable and empathetic medical professional. Anyone who chooses to apply the information on this Article does so of their own volition and their own risk. The owner and contributors to this Article accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any harm, real or imagined, from the use or dissemination of information contained on this Article. If these conditions are not agreeable to the reader, he/she is advised to leave this Blog immediately.


  1. Hi this one is great and is really a good post. I think it will help me a lot in the related stuff and is very much useful for me. Very well written I appreciate & must say good job..
    raw meal

    1. Hi Joffery, Thank You very much for reading my article and for your kind words.Keep Visiting for more interesting articles.

  2. Hello there,thanks for the article
    Now on I'll always ask for a VAT/TIN bill because here in India Amazon.in and Healthkart provides proper bill all the time but snapdeal and paytm don't send proper bill many times, that's why sometimes I doubt them but now I'll ask for proper bill from wherever I purchase supplements

    1. Even I have noticed this thing number of times, actually I always order from some Websites Only it can be Snapdeal, Paytm, Healthkart amazon or any other where I find Better Deal but healthkart always send you proper bill, other three don't or send sometimes only(Depends on seller I think)

    2. Hi ritesh nd Vijendra, You Must ask for Bill, it doesn't matter from where you purchase the Supplement but if you get a proper bill it guarantees the genuinity...

  3. Interesting post. I Have Been wondering about this issue, so thanks for posting. Pretty cool post.It 's really very nice and Useful post.Thanks Whey protein

    1. Hi jones, Thanks for being here and finding things useful.

  4. Where is vat /Tin is it wrote on it or you should ask the seller

    1. Bill provided by seller must has VAT/TIN number.


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